吉聪撰写的论文“An iterative weighted least square fitting method for crustal anisotropy using receiver functions”于近期被国际著名期刊Geophysical Journal International接收

– Dear Dr Huang

I am pleased to inform you that your manuscript of ref. GJI-S-23-0965.R3 [“An iterative weighted least square fitting method for crustal anisotropy using receiver functions”] has now been accepted for publication in Geophysical Journal International.

论文提出了一种利用接收函数Pms震相获取地壳各向异性的新方法,提高了结果的稳定性与精确度。新方法得到了编辑Ian Bastow教授的高度认可,他在接收函中写到:“Ultimately, you have developed a nice new technique here”。